Starland Pianos: SUBMISSION request
Starland Pianos for Public Art
Design and paint one of three upright pianos to be featured around the Starland District neighborhood. Let the community enjoy your art!

WHAT: The Starland Village and Art Rise Savannah Public Art Lab is now accepting proposals to decorate the surface of three upright pianos as part of a public art project. The pianos will invite the public to engage with the neighborhood & share our collective love of music and visual arts.
WHEN: Submission deadline is Sept. 19, 2018. Announcement date
of accepted proposals is Sept. 21, 2018.
Deadline for completed projects is Oct. 11, 2018.
WHERE: Artists will have a space provided to work on the pianos. Once complete, the pianos will be featured in the Savannah community and at SV's Fall Market event.

Let your creativity go wild!
Just a couple of guidelines: (1) the pianos must remain functional, playable and serviceable and (2) they also must remain portable so they can be moved outside and brought inside for storage and in inclement weather.
Paint will be provided with color spectrum per artist request during submission process.
We invite you to fill out our simple submission form to be one of three artists selected to paint the Starland Pianos.
**Additional guidelines can found on submission form.